Hello, I'm

Jiara Martins

Nicole P. Thomas

and I'm a freelance copywriter.


Who am i...

I am a daughter, sister, friend and mother. I am an avid reader ​and creator of worlds . I am your new favorite author!

I am a public speaker with first hand experience on the ​journey to becoming an award winning published author.

I am passionate about my books and the stories they contain

I am sure we all have stories to tell, some simply do not know ​where to begin. I can help with that.

So, Keep reading and check out recent events!

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Young Adult Books By NPT

Between battling his demon possessed cousin and trying to survive the dark forces that are after him, Alric must decide which side he's on. But with his own family tree so twisted and mangled, how can he choose between good and evil?

Tales of Elhaanai is an epic and gripping young adult fantasy filled with action, adventure, and heart-wrenching twists. The winner of the 2022 New York State Indie Author Project, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

Two Sons Two Paths One Prophecy

Looking from the outside it would seem Alric has made and accepted his destiny. Yet internally he is fighting a battle that will have dire consequences should he lose.

Still, his sister stands at his side, helpless against the growing tide of darkness she can see threatening to overwhelm the would-be King.

David is growing stronger every day, gathering his army of darkness.

Followers of the light are in hiding, waiting for their savior to come.

The end of an era has come.

Elainea finds herself thrust into a role she never desired, embodying a persona she never envisioned. The ideals they fought for, the sacrifices made, now seem rooted in deception—or, at best, partial truth.

Sharing in her uncertainty, Kaison and Akronius confront Alric regarding his encounter in the forbidden woods. Did he truly comprehend the message of The One? Did he genuinely converse with Him?

Amidst a flurry of questions and myriad potential outcomes, a coalition of pure malevolence is formed, a family thought annihilated is found and the future hinges on a point of a bloody sword.

Special Hardcover Edition of the Award winning Trilogy

Readers will be swept away to the magical realm of Elhaanai, where tales of love, betrayal, and the struggle for power unfold in this epic three-part saga. Follow three mothers who push the boundaries of maternal love, while their sons struggle against light and darkness. With each chapter you will discover that these characters are not the villains or heroes we expect them to be.

With all three books in one stunning hardcover volume, Tales of Elhaanai offers a deep dive into the intricate histories and mythologies of this fantastical world. This series immerses readers in a rich tapestry of faith, magic and intrigue.

For fans of fantasy series like Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings, Tales of Elhaanai is a must-read. Prepare to be swept up in a world of political machinations, self discovery and a battle for the soul of a nation that will keeping you reading until the final page.

Little Girl Reading Book

Children’s Books By NPT


This devotional is intended to help children memorize scripture in a ​way that will be both memorable and relatable. The scriptures in this ​devotional have been selected with prayer, and the breakdown ​written with love and care. I hope you and your child will read these ​pages and be blessed. May they inspire conversation and ultimately ​assist, as you lead your little ones closer to the Father.

Grace finds herself in trouble when she does not follow the rules her mother gave her. As she tries to fix her problems on her own, things get even worse! With the help of kind animals she meets along the way, Grace's obedience will once again be tested. Will she be able to get out of trouble? Will she learn to obey?

Read the story and find out!

It’s your turn! Lets get creative and learn as you color!

Reading Comprehension will help your child recall facts from the story, letter tracing to help with penmanship and number matching. Connect the dots for a mystery animal reveal while discovering the name of baby animals. And when you finish that, go ahead and write 5 things you like about yourself, because I know you are amazing and you should know it too!

This companion to the picture book, The Flower Girl, is sure to delight and entertain your young reader while providing fun moments to learn art, science, writing, math and reading skills. There are pages to help children think about gratefulness and define their likes or dislikes. This activity book will also provide opportunities for adults to teach children their address, who to ask for help and how to contact you in the event of an emergency.

A book that will have far reaching benefits when added to your bookshelf!

Grace se encuentra en problemas cuando no sigue las reglas que le dio su madre. Mientras trata de solucionar sus problemas por su cuenta, ¡las cosas empeoran aún más! Con la ayuda de los amables animales que encuentra en el camino, la obediencia de Grace se pondrá a prueba una vez más. ¿Será capaz de salir del apuro? ¿Aprenderá a obedecer?

¡Lee la historia y descúbrelo!



Self care is so important in a world that is constantly pushing us forward. You can use this peaceful lavender journal as a no judgement zone. Take a moment to jot down your thoughts, your dreams or fears, your disappointments and set backs.

Whatever you decide to write in these pages, it will bring peace and clarity to your day if you let it.

Exhale into these pages.

Find your oasis here.

Within these pages are poems that describe moments in my life, moments that you or someone you know may have experienced. Emotions ranging from death to life, pain to joy and a bit of everything in between.


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